In case you didn't know, worth is inherent.

Our culture doesn't exactly make us feel good about ourselves. From unrealistic standards to shame-based messaging, it's hard to believe we're enough. The simple act of wearing a tiara reminds us that we are valuable, worthy, and enough just the way we are

Find your perfect tiara!

The Power of a Tiara

  • From Jessie M.

    "I can't begin to explain how much I needed this today! A freind of mine surprised me and left a tiara in my car when I was having a rough day. The struggle has been real! This tiara has lifted my spirit to keep moving forward, to keep being a positive example of love."

  • From Ashly

    "In the hills and valleys of life and motherhood, my tiara is a sweet reminder of who I am. How can you not stand up a little straighter and stronger when you put a tiara on?"

  • From Meghan G.

    "Every girl needs a tiara! Life gets messy and hard, but when i slip on my tiara, it's my reminder that I am stronger than I realize and kick ass in every way! My reminder to keep fighting and doing the work because I am worthy!"

Hey, I'm Wonna.

If you see me around town, chances are, I'll have a tiara on my head. No, I'm not crazy, I promise. I've just come to understand my inherent worth and value, and I want you to know that too.

Tiara's have become a metaphor and a powerful tool to change how I think about myself, and I know they'll do the same for you.