At the Tiara Effect, we wear tiaras. Why? Because tiaras are a tangible reminder of our inherent worth. Our mission is to empower every girl and woman to feel their value daily.

  • You are beautiful.

    We're not talking about vanity here. On the contrary, we believe every girl and woman is beautiful in a profound soul-level way

  • You are worthy.

    Worth isn't earned. It's inherent. Right now, just the way you are, you are worthy.

  • You are enough.

    In fact, you're more than enough. You came into this world as enough. Who you are at your core is enough.

  • You are valued.

    Because you're alive, you are more valuable than the rarest diamond or crystal. You were born that way.

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I didn't always wear tiara's around daily. In fact, I was pretty reluctant about it all at first.

The situations and experiences I had never pointed me towards worth, value, or feeling good enough. Loving myself was a foreign concept until recently. Believing that I'm beautiful was hard on a deep soul level because I felt broken for most of my life. I felt inadequate. And because I didn't know how to love myself first, I made many choices that reinforced a belief within that said, "you're not enough."

It took a tiara to teach me something different.

Most breakthroughs come after darkness. My story and the story of The Tiara Effect are no different.

As a five-year-old child, I watched my baby sister die in front of me in a horrific farm accident. From that moment on, I felt alone and abandoned. The adults around me were grieving, and I had to figure out how to care for myself.

Life didn't get easier. I was sexually abused as a child for many years by the pastor of our church. It was a part of me that I protected and carried into my twenties. I survived but not unscathed. Not only did the trauma tell me I wasn't worthy, but I also believed I deserved it on some level.

My teenage years were rough. I will spare you the details, but it can be summarized as sex, drug, and rock and roll. I was raped, abused, and misused for many years.

I don't share this because I'm looking for pity but because I know I'm not alone.

My story is not unusual. Our world is full of pain, grief, sadness, trauma, and anger. As little girls, society doesn't do a good job of teaching us to trust ourselves. We are never (or rarely told) by those in our lives that we are worthy, valuable, or enough. 

But hear me when I say we were then and are now. Every one of us is beautiful, valued, worthy, and enough.

So, where did tiaras come into play?

Later in life, I found myself in a demanding and challenging season. I had never really worked through my trauma or grief, so I still carried around all these beliefs that I was not good enough or worthy.

The year was 2013, and quickly and unexpectedly, my family and I had to pack up and move across the country. We had just spent years renovating an old farmhouse and barn into our "forever" home.

But because of a situation out of our control, we had to sell. And we had to do it quickly.

At that time, my husband wasn't well, so most of this move fell onto my shoulders, and it was a total shit show. It snowed 47 inches, my kids got sick, we had car issues, and we almost lost our new house. It was a daunting task. I was getting more and more angry, irritated, and overwhelmed.

And then I saw a tiara in my closet.

This one particular morning, I was pissed. Like, really pissed. I was done with everyone and everything. As I was getting ready, I noticed a tiara on my closet shelf, and I felt this overwhelming urge to put it on. It was like a voice said, "Wear the tiara, Wonna."

So naturally, I argued, because who goes around wearing tiaras? But it persisted, and eventually, I put it on my head and went about my day.

I did it the next day, the next, and the next, and over time I noticed I was beginning to feel different. It was subtle, but a shift was happening—a noticeable one. I started to feel my value. I started seeing my worth. I started thinking I was enough. I even felt beautiful once or twice. So this tiara became a reflection of what was shifting internally.

Wearing a tiara changed my life because it changed how I felt about myself.

Eventually, I learned to love who I am. I learned to respect and honor myself. Finally, I started to feel good enough. Once I felt that for myself, I couldn't keep it from others. So I began to purchase tiaras and hand them out to women everywhere I went. I heard stories from these women and girls about how they started to feel different too.

A simple tiara, once reserved for the elite and entitled, became a representation to women everywhere that we are worthy.

I know wearing a tiara will impact you as well. Are you ready to wear your worth?

Our vision is that we live in a world where women make better choices for themselves because they believe they are worthy of the best life has to offer. We believe this mindset brings lasting and significant change.